T&T Software’s games were popular with kids, teenagers, parents, and educators in the 90s. Our design philosophy was to create games that are entertaining for a long time, make you think creatively, and contain little or no violence.

The Macintosh versions of these games work only on Classic Mac OS (released 1984-2001) and older.
Gold Digger: The Lost Mines

Download more screens: if you have a registered copy of Gold Digger: The Lost Mines and you want to download more screens, see our FAQs page for links.
Gold Digger ‘The Lost Mines’™ is a multi-level climbing game with a unique balance between strategy and action. You move around an old gold mine, picking up and mining gold with dynamite, while avoiding different adversaries. This game is different and requires more reflex skills than Spacestation Pheta, however “thinkers” will have just as much fun solving the Gold Digger screens! There are 175 built-in screens plus an editor to create your own. Available for Macintosh and Windows.
You can play/enable all Gold Digger features by using the registration name and code below.
On Macintosh, use registration name “Gold Digger Classic” and registration code “13501665”.
On Windows, use the registration name “Gold Digger Classic” and registration code “JHRVHG-NJZ3B9-61VTQ7-R19NYF-ZRM7X3-9MFJ66-9W3JMF”.
Gold Digger Sample Screens

Spacestation Pheta
Spacestation Pheta is a fast, multi-screen, climbing game. Each screen contains surprises such as transporters, secret ladders, materializers, cannons, trampolines, and many more! There are 100 built-in screens plus an editor to create your own screens. A “show me the solution” feature can help if you get stuck. Other features include printable on-line help, digitized sounds, and color graphics. The game runs on almost all older Macintosh computers, from the black and white MacPlus to the PowerMacs. The game will run under the Mac Classic emulator under OS X but does not run on the Leopard OS.
You can play/enable all Space Station Pheta features on Macintosh by using the registration name “Pheta Classic” and registration code “8836464”.
Space Station Pheta Sample Screens